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Cluster Insight With Bergen Carbon Solutions

From left: Ivan F. Eriksen CMO, Jan B Sagmo CEO og Finn Blydt-Svendsen COO of Bergen Carbon Solutions.
From left: Ivan F. Eriksen CMO, Jan B Sagmo CEO og Finn Blydt-Svendsen COO of Bergen Carbon Solutions.

This week, we spoke with Jan Børge Sagmo to learn more about him and his work at Bergen Carbon Solutions: A company that produce carbon nanofibers, using CO2 and Norwegian hydropower.

Cluster Insight is a column where we ask six questions to catch a glimpse into the daily business-lives of our cluster partners and members.

This week, we spoke with Jan Børge Sagmo to learn more about him and his work in Bergen Carbon Solutions: A company that produce carbon nanofibers, using CO2 and Norwegian hydropower.

1. What is your role in Bergen Carbon Solutions?

I am the CEO of Bergen Carbon Solutions. We are a small team of 11 people so we have grown carefully since our establishment in 2016.

2. Your main focus at work right now is?

Today, we produces around 1.5 kilos of carbon nanofiber a week in our test plant, and right now we are fully booked for the rest of the year thus, we are currently in a major investment round to scale up production, to meet demand and thus take our company a step closer to what could be an industrial adventure and build the first modular CO2 to carbon-nanofiber production.

Carbon nanofibers are a groundbreaking material with applications in everything from energy storage to protective clothing, so the potential opportunities for usage are vast.

3. Biggest challenges and opportunities in the future?

There are a lot of interest when it comes to our technology and it is important to have the organisation that can maintain the interest which is a challenge, but is also why we are scaling up to meet this upcoming increased demand as mentioned.

This aspect also represents a big opportunity as the market for carbon nanofibers is experiencing rapid growth, principally due to emerging applications in the electronics and healthcare industries.

The carbon nanofibers market is estimated to grow from USD 420M$ in 2020 to 1100M$ in 2024.

4. Best part of being member in a cluster

The best part of being part of a cluster is the many arenas offered to network and moreover, the access to competence found in other partners and members.

5. Your business motto

Green behaviour, makes green workplaces.

6. Which cluster member should we interview next?

Earth Science Analytics.


Thank you for the insight Jan Børge.

Contact Information

Kjersti Boge Christensen

Communication Manager

Kjersti Boge Christensen

Bergen Carbon Solutions is a company based in Bergen, Norway.

They use innovative technology to produce carbon nanofibers, using CO₂ and Norwegian hydropower.

This makes their production unique and 100 % environmentally friendly.

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Carbon nanofibers

Carbon nanofibers are carbon fibers at the nanometer scale, consisting of several graphene flakes.

Carbon nanofibers have a unique combination of strength, durability and conductivity and a vast range of applications.

They have revolutionized energy storage, protective clothing, flame retardance and oil spill remediation, as well as therapeutic cancer drugs.

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Further Reading