Ocean Tech Scaling Program

It is a well known fact that Norway is lagging behind in the race of creating growth companies. Our Ocean Tech Scaling Program, is designed to unlock rapid growth in companies.
This growth program offers your company the opportunity to upgrade your business, develop your growth strategy, and expand your network through 5 modules taking place in Bergen, Oslo and Boston.
Common for all the previous participants is that they were all companies that needed to test their growth strategies and that was advised and guided by great national and international mentors through this program.
The program is a collaboration between the Martin Trust Centre for MIT Entrepreneurship in Boston, Scaling Lab and GCE Ocean Technology, and it is funded by Agenda Vestlandet at Sparebanken Vest.
Great lectures, good discussions and a lot of social interaction throughout the week. All in all a great experience!, Additech AS.
We offer:
- An immersive 12-week learning experience with insights from a world-class faculty, experienced business mentors, investors and peers.
- A thorough scientific and business-oriented evaluation of your company, business model, strategy and growth potential
- Feedback, frameworks and tools to help you achieve rapid growth
- A programme designed to help you create and implement a scaling strategy for internationalisation and rapid growth
5-day module at Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship in Boston with serial entrepreneur Bill Aulet and access to world class mentors
Who it is for
Good candidates for the programme are SME’s with the management resources, technology and competence to really grow and internationalise to become the future value- and job creators in Norway.
How to Participate
The programme is partially funded by Agenda Vestlandet and is open for all companies against a programme fee.
If you would like to apply to be part of the next programme - please contact us.
Contact Information

Join our cluster
As a member of GCE Ocean Technology, you will join a vast network of companies and organizations operating within the ocean industries.
Our goal is to foster interaction and innovation among our partners and members.