Cluster Insight With DOF Subsea

– We have been successful in harvesting from the sea for hundreds of years and I am certain that with the geographical position we have as “Norwegians on the West coast”, we will continue to do so, says Jan-Kristian Haukeland from DOF Subsea.
This article was first published 18 June 2020.
Cluster Insight is a column where we ask six questions to catch a glimpse into the daily business-lives of our cluster partners and members.
Cluster member ASTREA have sent the baton over to DOF Subsea, so this week, we spoke with Jan-Kristian Haukeland to learn more about him and his work in DOF Subsea.
1. What is your role in DOF Subsea?
My role is Executive Vice President for the Atlantic Region. I am responsible for DOF Subsea’s activities in Europe and Africa.
2. Your main focus at work right now is?
My main focus now is how to manage the Covid-19 situation which has a large impact on our offshore operations particularly in Africa.
My other focus area is how to manage the effect of the low oil price and how this will impact our activity level in Europe and Africa in the short to medium term.
3. Biggest challenges and opportunities for DOF Subsea in the future?
The biggest challenge is the uncertainty related to what activity level and earnings we can expect to get in the months to come.
We have a mix of long- and short-term contracts with our clients and are uncertain how the oil price and operational challenges due to Covid-19, will affect these and potential new contracts.
The biggest opportunities are related to the changes into “greener energies, reduced carbon emission and smarter technologies like digitalisation. We also see new business opportunities in subsea mineral exploration and mining.
We have been successful in harvesting from the sea for hundreds of years and I am certain that with the geographical position we have as “Norwegians on the West coast”, we will continue to do so.
We need to ensure that as an industry, we can attract and maintain the best people to be able to capture these opportunities.
I am convinced that there will be a lot to do in these areas in the years to come and that these opportunities will go “hand in hand” with the exploration and production of hydrocarbons.
4. Best part of being member in a cluster
Good understanding of what is going on locally. Access to “know-how” and experience from a wide range of services including “cross-over” technologies between subsea, ocean wind, subsea mining and sea farming.
We move into the future together and to manage the opportunities and challenges ahead of us are better dealt within a cluster than trying to do it on your own or as individual enterprises.
Further, I believe the cluster gives the business partners and members good support, inspiration, and positive energy to continue the strive to develop solutions that makes the world a better place to live.
5. Your business motto
Better SAFE than SORRY.
6. Which cluster member should we interview next?
Thank you for the insight Jan-Kristian.
Learn more about DOF Subsea.
Contact Information
Kjersti Boge Christensen
Communication Manager

Founded in 2005, the Group is a leading provider of subsea project and marine services and is present in all major offshore regions in the world.