Cluster Insight with Prototech

– The Corona crisis has certainly impacted our operations, but order backlog is record high and our greatest challenge going forward is resource management, as well as recruiting and onboarding new personnel, says Bernt Skeie from Prototech.
This article was first published 7 April 2020.
Cluster Insight is a column where we ask six questions to catch a glimpse into the daily business-lives of our cluster partners and members.
This week, we spoke with Bernt Skeie to learn more about him and his work in Prototech.
Prototech, a NORCE company, is a provider of technical solutions, prototype- and product development, manufacturing and test services covering application areas from space to the ocean floor. The company was recently awarded a contract to develop the energy system for a Moon mission.
1. What is your role in Prototech?
I am the CEO of Prototech, responsible for business development, strategy, sales, financing and project generation.
2. Your main focus at work right now is?
Prior to the Corona crisis, I have focused a lot on our portfolio of cleantech projects towards Space & Ocean Space. Prototech has recently entered into contracts for energy storage on the dark side of the Moon, as well as development of megawatt power ammonia fuel cell systems in the ShipFC (EU-project).
The Corona crisis has certainly impacted our operations, but our order backlog is record high and our greatest challenge going forward is resource management, as well as recruiting and onboarding new personnel.
We are also working closely with our owners, partners and subcontractors to prepare scale-up and commercialisation of the technology.
3. Biggest challenges for Prototech in the future?
Prototech has unique experience and knowledge within high temperature fuel cell systems. Our technology is reaching higher TRLs (Technology Readiness Level) and getting closer to market introduction. It will be very challenging to make the transition from lab to market, developing products rather than prototypes.
We will establish dedicated spin-off companies and cooperate with the best in the different markets to develop new and profitable clean tech solutions, that ultimately will help in making the world a little better.
4. Best part of being member in a cluster
GCE Ocean Technology played an important role in establishing our CHEOP (Clean Highly Efficient Offshore Power) project and has contributed greatly to our success within clean power.
The cluster administration is very supportive and great at creating arenas for networking and cooperation between the member companies.
The cluster also played an important role in establishing the Ocean Innovation Catapult Center where we are very much involved through Additech AS, our 3D printing company.
5. Your business motto
In Prototech everything is possible – so Obama’s motto from his 2008 presidential campaign; “Yes We Can” - seems very appropriate!
6. Which cluster member should we interview next?
Offshore Sensing is a very interesting company. Their Sailbuoy – recently performed the first ever Atlantic crossing by unmanned surface vessel – and can be used for a wide variety of ocean applications.
Thank you for the insight Bernt.
Learn more about Prototech.
Contact Information
Kjersti Boge Christensen
Communication Manager

Cluster Insight
Cluster Insight is a column where we ask six questions to catch a glimpse into the daily business-lives of our cluster partners and members.
Read our last interview with HEAD Energy and other Cluster Insight's

GCE Ocean Technology are here to help our members in this precarious situation with Covid-19.
Read our guide of helpful measures offered from inside and outside of the cluster.