Cluster Insight with uSEA

– I am convinced that in the not too distant future, our industry will look very different from what it is today. And only if we see the waves beyond the horizon can we get prepared to surf them rather than getting knocked down, says Felipe Lima.
This article was first published 15. January 2020.
Cluster insight is a column where we ask six questions to catch a glimpse into the daily business-lives of our cluster partners and members.
This week, we spoke with Felipe Lima to learn more about him and his work in uSEA.
uSEA works to step-change autonomy for marine and underwater robotics to offer seabed surveys and mapping, pipeline and subsea cable inspection as well as environmental monitoring. The company recently received about 6.5 million NOK from the Research Council of Norway to develop its active towed docking station for AUVs.
1. What is your role in uSEA?
Sometimes I need to hear that question, so I remember my actual role, because I have the tendency to get involved in everything in uSEA. Maybe because I am fascinated by what we are doing, or maybe because of the pleasure I have in learning from my colleagues, but my business card says that I am uSEA’s CEO.
2. Your main focus at work right now is?
My main focus is to complete the qualification of our AUV-USV system, eliminating the need for survey ships altogether in offshore survey campaigns. In order to be a real alternative to conventional ship-based systems, it must be able to operate in rough seas, and we are taking it very seriously. At the same time, the system needs to cope well with very remote distances and limited connectivity between the marine robots and the personnel.
3. Biggest challenge for your company in the future?
Our biggest challenge in the future is also our biggest opportunity. The subsea industry is changing at a fast pace, and the subsea survey sector is moving even faster. I am convinced that in the not too distant future, our industry will look very different from what it is today. And only if we see the waves beyond the horizon can we get prepared to surf them rather than getting knocked down.
4. Best part of being member in a cluster
There are so many good parts of being member in a cluster that it is difficult to elect one. Since uSEA became a member we have discussed ideas and projects with the cluster staff, we have been introduced to companies and R&D organisations in Norway and abroad, we have participated in fantastic events, we have co-exhibited at the cluster’s stand and we have received funding for a pre-project. All these interactions with the cluster have been extremely constructive, no exception. But what all these good reasons have in common is: the cluster connects us with other players, it brings the industry together.
5. Your business motto
Albert Einstein said “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution”. Although knowledge helps us understand the problems we face, it only connects us to what has happened, to what has been observed - to the past. It is imagination that enlightens us with solutions, that pushes us forward, that moves us forward.
6. Which cluster member should we interview next?
I will gladly pass the baton to Pouyan Shariffiasl from Birdview.
Thank you for the insight Felipe.
Learn more about uSEA.
Contact Information
Kjersti Boge Christensen
Communication Manager