Several Pre-projects Awarded Funding

Eelume, ProAnalysis and IOR Norway have each received 175.000 NOK in pre-project funding this year from GCE Ocean Technology and we invite our cluster members to apply.
GCE Ocean Technology provides financial and professional support and advice for free, to establish externally funded RDI projects for our partners and members. So far, we have succeeded in helping cluster companies in securing more than 1.35 Billion NOK in externally funded projects owned and run by cluster companies.
The projects funded so far in 2020 are:
- Eelume: Autonomous Underwater Intervention Drones
- ProAnalysis: Next generation Oil in Water Monitoring
- IOR Norway: Skin factor
All three projects received a high score on all our evaluation criteria. They are collaborating with strong R&D partners and aim to establish larger RDI project during the year.
Funding Breeds Funding
Another company that received pre-project funding last year was uSEA Technologies followed by 6.5 million NOK in funding from the Research Council of Norway to develop their active towed docking station for AUVs.
We would like to express our thanks to GCE Ocean Technology for the support with pre-project funding. Being a member in the cluster has not only been a great pleasure, but also has made an invaluable difference in our business development. Felipe Lima CEO uSEA Technologies.
Apply for Funding
We have more pre-project funding to award, and we are in dialogue with Innovation Norway and Vestland Fylkeskommune to boost our pre-project funding budget.
Please get in touch to see how we can support your project. This allows us to provide you with better guidance regarding the optimal support scheme for your idea or project.
Please do not hesitate to contact Gisle Nondal or Jon Hellevang at an early stage to see how we can contribute.
For more information about application process, template, evaluation criteria and process, please contact us or visit our project funding web pages.
Join our Course in Project Development
- 2 April - Guide to public funding: Introduction to the most relevant funding schemes, their characteristics and what type of projects that receive support in different programmes. How to think project portfolio. Simple checklists that you can use in your own work.
- 16 April - Application writing: How to write good applications; Value, goals, structure, illustrations. Evaluation criteria and where to focus. Writing tips based on experience.
- 23 April - Application examples: Examples of accepted and rejected applications.
Contact Information

GCE Ocean Technology provides financial and professional support to establish externally funded RDI projects.
Our partners and members can apply for pre-project funding from GCE Ocean Technology to form the basis for larger RDI projects.
GCE Ocean Technology has so far helped secured more than 1.35 Billion NOK in external funded RDI projects runned and owned by the cluster companies.

GCE Ocean Technology are here to help our members in this precarious situation with Covid-19.
As a cluster, it is now, more than ever time to give and get help in our cluster community.
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