Cluster Insight with RelyOn Nutec

– We can and will make an impact on the current shortage of skilled personnel, through training the right people the right way, says Daniele Casale, Global Head of Renewables at RelyOn Nutec.
Cluster Insight is your window into the daily business-lives of the employees who work for the partners and members of GCE Ocean Technology.
Today we’ve spoken with Daniele Casale to learn more about him and what he does at RelyOn Nutec - a global business that is delivering safety and competence services across the world.
1. What is your role at RelyOn Nutec?
As the Global Head of Renewables, my role encompasses several responsibilities.
2. Your primary focus at work right now is?
The role of a Global Head of Renewables in a training service provider organization involves overseeing various aspects related to renewable energy training programs and services on a global scale.
This includes Global Framework Agreement with strategic clients, business analysis and recommendations for investments in new markets, business opportunities for expansions and acquisitions (M&A), due diligence exercises, etc.
Other key responsibilities vary across: Strategic Leadership, Program Development, Global Operations, Team Management, Client Engagement, Quality Assurance, Market Research and Innovation, Marketing and Promotion and Compliance and Standards.
3. Biggest challenges and opportunities in the future?
The biggest challenge is to ensure the right trade-off between Rapid Technological Advancements and Scalability, also considering the latest challenges associated to the development of renewables (Offshore Wind in particular).
RelyOn Nutec is the global business provider delivering safety and competence services across the world, helping our customers protect their people, assets and the environment.
We do feel the sense of responsibility for developing competent workforces across industries and we have the ambition to increase RelyOn Nutec internal capabilities to meet the growing market demand.
We can and will make an impact on the current shortage of skilled personnel, through training the right people in the right way.
4. Best part of being member in a cluster?
Definitely the possibility to share knowledge, competencies and ambition with international experts of the energy sector, who are all eager to contribute to a more sustainable future.
5. Your business/life motto
I do not have any specific life/motto, but a relevant consideration in this specific energy market situation could be:
“Empowering Progress, Sustaining Excellence: Leading the Global Change Towards Renewable Energy Innovation”.
6. Which cluster member should we interview next?
I would be interested to hear from Equinor the different perspectives and challenges from an offshore wind developer.
Thank you for the insight Daniele.
Webinar opportunity
If you would like to learn more about RelyOn Nutec you can tune in to our lunch webinar 8 December, from 11:30–12:00 where Claus Nexø Hansen, Managing Director Scandinavia, will show us some of RelyOn Nutec’s new services in offshore training, among other their Entry-Level wind technician training.
Contact Information
Kjersti Boge Christensen
Communication Manager