Cluster Insight with Saga Fjordbase

– The average turnaround time at our quays was reduced by 30% thanks to our custom logistics software and we are interested in connecting with pilot customers for testing a new module, says Marita Jarstad, head of the Subsea & Project department at Saga Fjordbase in Florø.
Cluster Insight offers a glimpse into the daily operations of GCE Ocean Technology’s partners and members through a series of six questions.
This week, we had the pleasure of interviewing Marita Jarstad at Saga Fjordbase, a base operator providing comprehensive logistics services at the largest supply base in Norway.
1. What is your role at Saga Fjordbase?
I am head of the Subsea & Project department at Saga Fjordbase in Florø. This department functions as a one-stop-shop, where we serve the maritime industry (among others) with any requirement for their operations here at Fjord Base.
We provide available area for storage/assembly, logistic operations (crane, truck etc.), coordinating services and 24/7 support. Fjord Base is the largest supply base in Norway measured in area and have approx. 2000 vessel port calls yearly. It is therefore crucial that the vessels receive support with whichever need they might have while at berth and for their upcoming offshore operations.
In addition, I have worked on realising a hydrogen production plant at Fjord Base for the last 4 years, through HyFuel - our joint venture together with Sogn & Fjordane Energi and Gasnor aiming to produce and deliver hydrogen as a zero-emission fuel for the maritime industry. In June 2022, HyFuel was awarded 132 MNOK in investment support from Enova, as one of 5 hydrogen hubs along the Norwegian coast.
2. Your primary focus at work right now is?
My primary focus currently is to drive ongoing tender processes, to ensure work for Saga Fjordbase in the years to come. A part of our strategic plan is to further develop the supply base and our portfolio of services, to reach new emerging markets and serve future projects both within Subsea and renewables.
We have built our own unique software to handle all logistics planning at Fjord Base, and we are currently developing a new module to handle bigger project activities like subsea, mob/demob, offshore wind etc.
With the software in use today we have reduced the average turnaround time at our quays with 30 %. We strongly believe we can achieve equivalent efficiency if not more with bigger projects and aim to release the new module early next year. We would be interested in connecting with pilot customers for testing of this new module.
3. Biggest challenges and opportunities for Saga Fjordbase in the future?
As a supply base for the oil & gas industry, it is vital for Saga Fjordbase to create new green ventures going forward, such as zero emission fuels and offshore wind. In addition to hydrogen production, we are involved in a pilot facility for bunkering of ammonia at Fjord Base, which is to be in operation 2024-2025.
There is a large potential for harnessing wind power right off the coast of western Norway, and Fjord Base is located right in the centre of it. Having already handled several onshore wind projects at Fjord Base in recent years, these projects have given us valuable experience for the future within green ventures, and we are now preparing to accommodate for large scale assembly, storage and tow-out of the floating offshore wind turbines.
The Fjord Base Group sees great opportunities within the green transition to expand our core businesses and create value. Significant investments into preparing area and infrastructure to accommodate offshore wind projects have already been made, but further investments are necessary.
The challenge lies in the immature offshore wind market and lack of standardization and incentives. Clear and concise framework conditions for such investments and effective incentive schemes are highly needed from the governing authorities.
4. Best part of being member in a cluster?
Being part of a cluster provides opportunities for our company to share experiences and challenges with others, as well as connect with other companies to create synergies.
5. Your business/life motto
We fix it! (“Vi fikser det!”).
In my 12 years of history within the oil & gas industry, it has always been vital to be able to adapt quickly and create solutions when problems arise. This is Saga Fjordbase’s business slogan as well. We may not know all the answers to every challenge upfront, but we pride ourselves in being able to quickly provide solutions for our customers.
6. Which cluster member should we interview next?
Thank you for the insight Marita.
Contact Information
Kjersti Boge Christensen
Communication Manager

We are Norway's largest supply base. Here you will find efficient ports, complete logistics solutions, and a comprehensive value chain. Close to 65 different companies are currently established at the base named Fjord Base. 650 skilled individuals work here daily.
Since 1985, we have been a significant player in the offshore industry in the North Sea. As a part of the INC Group, we are dedicated to generating activity within the local community.
We have a total area of 1,060,000 square meters, and we are continuously expanding for more space. Here, we will build sustainable industry upon the foundation of existing expertise and space.