Cluster Insight with Havkraft

Havkraft has developed and patented wave power plants that are preparing for the global energy market and people are now more than welcome to invest in the company through Folkeinvest, according to CEO Geir Arne Solheim.
Cluster Insight is a column where we ask six questions to catch a glimpse into the daily business-lives of the partners and members of GCE Ocean Technology.
This week we have spoken with Geir Arne Solheim to learn more about him and his work in Havkraft; a company within the wave energy business.
1. What is your role in Havkraft?
I am the founder, inventor, CEO and part-owner of the company.
2. Your primary focus at work right now is?
Right now my primary focus is to get the HAVKRAFT N-CLASS OWC wave power plant into the ocean at Svanøy in Kinn Municipality.
The client is Svanøy Havbruk. We are also in the middle of a capital raise through Folkeinvest, and people are more than welcome to join the company as a shareholder. They can register at to become the first to receive information and get the chance to invest.
3. Biggest challenges and opportunities for Havkraft in the future?
We need to get our "feet wet" as soon as possible and start delivering powerplants in a fast pace in the following years. It’s all about speed and direction. We now have a clear direction, so speed is both our biggest challenge and our biggest opportunity.
We unfortunately live in a world of trouble, and Havkraft is fortunately adding to the solution.
4. Best part of being member in a cluster?
As a part of GCE Ocean Technology we meet a lot of interesting people, get valuable information, find new partners, get good PR and not least we get the important feeling of belonging to the technological cluster in Vestland.
5. Your business/life motto
My company’s motto is “Powering a sustainable future”. My personal motto is “Never stop fighting ‘till the fight is done” (Eliot Ness).
6. Which cluster member should we interview next?
I challenge Fugro next.
Thank you for the insight Geir Arne.
Contact Information
Kjersti Boge Christensen
Communication Manager

Havkraft AS was established in 2009 by founder Geir Arne Solheim. In 2021 they deployed a full scale industrial pilot called «The Powerpier» in Ålesund, Norway, together with partners Marina Solutions and Ulstein Betong Marine, proving the complete chain from wave-to-wire.
In 2021 they also developed the new patent «PowerBooster», a point absorber capable of boosting energy in an OWC by controlling pitch and roll movements.
In 2022 they have fully deveopled two products for the world-market, ready for early adaptors of green energy solutions. The first product is the HAVKRAFT N-CLASS, our nearshore solution. The other is the HAVKRAFT O-CLASS, tailored for the offshore-segment. both products are based on the Havkraft Wave Energy Converter (H-WEC) and pick up a broad spectrum of frequencies.