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Changes in the Cluster Administration

Bjarte Fagerås
Bjarte Fagerås has taken on the position as Senior R&D Advisor in GCE Ocean Technology.

Our R&D Manager Dr. Gisle Nondal, will take on the full-time position as CEO for Ocean Innovation Norwegian Catapult Centre from January 2021 and is replaced by Bjarte Fagerås.

Ocean Innovation Norwegian Catapult Centre is a part of the Norwegian Catapult Programme, a governmental scheme designed to accelerate the process from concept to market launch of the product.

The Catapult centres assist companies in developing prototypes, offer expertise and equipment for testing, visualisation and simulation to turn innovative ideas into new products and services in an effective manner at a lower risk

Gisle has served as CEO in the Catapult Centre on a part time basis (25 percent) since 2019, but will now join the centre full-time. This as the Centre will expand significantly in 2021, and requires dedicated resources.

Senior Industry Professional Joins the Cluster

Jon Hellevang will head the R&D activity in the cluster going forward and will be joined by Bjarte Fageraas serving as Senior R&D Advisor.

Bjarte holds a Master’s degree in Physics and Mathematics from NTNU and has broad experience from research and management positions in Norway, Germany and the USA from companies like Schlumberger, Alcatel Space, PGS, Aker Geo, ION Geophysical, Exploration Resources and Technocean.

Being an entrepreneur by heart, he has founded, grown and exited several companies and most recently he was the CEO of OCTIO AS and Gravitude AS.

Today, besides being an investor and board member, he is a Mentor and Advisor for management teams.

Bjarte has been working closely with the cluster for several years and most recently as a Mentor in the growth programme; 100ScaleUPs offered by GCE Ocean Technology, Handelshøyskolen BI and MIT.

Among other things he will be heading our projects on smart ocean and autonomy.

We welcome Bjarte to the cluster.

Contact Information

Owe Hagesæther

Chief Executive Officer

Owe Hagesæther

Our Team

The cluster administration works for the partners and members of the cluster and according to the cluster strategy and the decisions from the board and the Annual Meeting.

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