New RDI Focus Areas

GCE Ocean Technology has established autonomy, power, sharing- and circular economy as the new research, development and innovation (RDI) focus areas going forward. We invite the cluster to propose joint projects to strengthen the cluster within these areas.
The cluster has established new focus areas and concepts going forward. The work was kicked-off at our Partnerforum last year, and this year’s Topplederforum was used to discuss and agree on the new focus areas.
Sustainability was frequently discussed at our Topplederforum, and it is important to acknowledge that this covers economy, environment and society.
Collaboration to Make a Difference
The key objective of the cluster is collaboration and to address common challenges and opportunities.
When defining focus areas for research, development and innovation (RDI), we have focused on where we, as a cluster, can make the most impact.
Our projects must have potential for increased and new: revenue, markets, competitiveness, collaboration and external funding.
Based on these factors we have concluded on the following areas;
- Autonomy; including sensing, communication, machine learning/AI
- Power; covering both low carbon petroleum production and renewable energy
- Sharing and circular economy
Strategic Focus Areas
The new RDI focus areas does not change the overall strategy, but rather complements this by outlining areas of special interest for larger joint projects going forward.
Thus our strategic focus areas remain as they have been:
- Market
- Competence and Infrastructure
- Technology
- Entrepreneurship and Business Development
- Digitalisation and Supply Chain Development
We Welcome and Support your Project ideas
GCE Ocean Technology provides financial and professional support to establish externally funded RDI projects.
You can apply for up to 250.000,- NOK, and the project should be finalised within the end of 2021. The next application deadline is 22 January.
We use Innovation Norway's template "Innovasjonsrammen" for all pre-project funding applications. Please note to save the application and send it in PDF format to Do not press submit, as this will forward your application to Innovation Norway.
Learn more about the application process, template, evaluation criteria and process, or contact us.
We strongly recommend that you contact GCE Ocean Technology prior to applying for pre-project funding. This allows us to provide you with better guidance regarding the optimal support scheme for your idea or project.
Please do not hesitate to contact Jon Hellevang at an early stage to see how we can contribute.
Contact Information

Supports Innovation
GCE Ocean Technology provides financial and professional support to establish externally funded RDI projects.
Our partners and members can apply for pre-project funding from GCE Ocean Technology to form the basis for larger RDI projects.
GCE Ocean Technology has so far helped secured more than 1.7 Billion NOK in external funded RDI projects run and owned by the cluster companies.