Cluster Insight With Semco Maritime

– Our primary focus now is expanding our business footprint for our Hanøytangen operations at Askøy in the years to come by focusing on sustainable industrial solutions, says Ole Angell from Semco Maritime.
Cluster Insight is a column where we ask six questions to catch a glimpse into the daily business-lives of our cluster partners and members.
This week, we spoke with Ole Angell to learn more about him and his work in Semco Maritime; an international engineering and contracting company dedicated to projects in the energy sector.
1. What is your role in Semco Maritime?
Presently, I have a multitude of roles, but functioning primarily as management support to our Norwegian office. However, during daily operations I mostly deal with the commercial aspects, as well as being strongly engaged in developing new business lines.
2. Your primary focus at work right now is?
Our primary focus is expanding our business footprint for our Hanøytangen operations at Askøy in the years to come by focusing on sustainable industrial solutions. We have just finished a very good 2020 with a large spike in activity and this trend continues into 2021, so our regular business will be “pretty business”.
This should not, however, take away the focus from the green shift where we all have a responsibility to contribute in the best possible way, hence one of my primary tasks is communicating how Semco can benefit the Norwegian offshore wind industry.
Our mother company, Semco Maritime DK, has more than 20 years of experience within offshore wind farm development, production and operations in Europe and the East Coast of the United States. This track record combined with innovative solutions will be needed to drive down the cost of offshore floating wind farms.
Lots of questions still have to be answered, like how this will materialise, from floating wind turbine designs to efficient utilization of the energy it produces and optimisation of the maintenance and service operations. For a company like Semco, we have stakes in many parts of the “food chain”.
3. Biggest challenges and opportunities for Semco Maritime in the future?
Looking forward, our main focus and challenge, is to contribute to- and increase our presence within the green part of the energy sector. This does not mean that we are leaving the oil and gas industry behind, moreover, our primary focus will stay on the “green ticket”.
So, what does that mean? In example; the implementation of hybrid solutions on today’s offshore rigs, assembly and production plant for floating windfarms, test-centres for wind technology, remote solutions for maintenance and service tasks on wind farms in operations among other things.
4. Best part of being member in a cluster?
GCE Ocean Technology has provided us with a range of opportunities, such as training sessions, networking meetings, being part of delegations, such as the one to OTC Houston.
All in all, a membership in a cluster adds value and is also beneficial when we need contacts outside our primary sphere and finding out who to talk to and such.
5. Your business motto
I just posted this status on my Teams chat “Excellence is not an act but a habit”, so that may work externally as well.
6. Which cluster member should we interview next?
We hand the baton over to Corvus Energy.
Thank you for the insight Ole.
Contact Information
Kjersti Boge Christensen
Communication Manager

Semco Maritime is an international engineering and contracting company dedicated to projects in the energy sector.
Since the early beginning of the Danish offshore industry, Semco Maritime has been facilitating engineering design, fabrication, installation, service and maintenance of offshore assets, providing comprehensive project management across all phases of energy projects.