The government launches major investment in exports

The Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry Jan Christian Vestre presented the government's export reform and a number of new measures to strengthen Norwegian exports today. We are looking forward to welcoming Vestre to our premises in Bergen tomorrow.
- The government aims to increase exports excluding oil and gas by 50 percent by 2030 and this is absolutely crucial for the green transition, as well as to create more jobs, cut greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen value creation, according to Minister of Trade and Industry Jan Christian Vestre.
Today the Minister of Trade and Industry presented his new measures to strengthen Norway's export.
Among the main points were:
- The Government will establish a National Export Council, which will provide advice and input to the Minister of Trade and Industry and formulate proposals for 5-10 major strategic export initiatives. The council will consist of representatives from the business community and the parties in working life, and will be served by a secretariat.
- Investment in offshore wind and an investment in "more and greener maritime exports" are the two first chosen export initiatives investments.
- The government has decided that Eksportfinansiering Norge (Eksfin) will establish a stronger regional presence in Ålesund and Stavanger. The purpose is to strengthen contact with the business community in important export regions.
- The Minister of Trade and Industry has initiated a new national brand program - "Made in Norway" - through the development of a national competence program and more effective tools that enable industries, clusters and companies to take international positions through the strength Norway as a brand represents. The possibility of establishing a new national labeling scheme where Norwegian-produced goods and services receive a recognized stamp of quality will also be considered. This can increase the willingness to pay for Norwegian solutions.
Vestre is scheduled to meet with representatives from the GCE Ocean Technology cluster in Bergen tomorrow 11 March, where we will discuss how the ocean industries can contribute to closing the export gap. Furthmore, how we can diversify the ocean industries by accelerating offshore wind and marine minerals.
Contact Information
Kjersti Boge Christensen
Communication Manager