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Cluster Insight With Swire Seabed

Photo: Arvid Pettersen, CTO at Swire Seabed
Photo: Arvid Pettersen, CTO at Swire Seabed

– Our main challenge is to fully realize what changes we will face in the near future with respect to development of Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning and remotely control of operations – and how we can convert this into an advantage for the company, says Arvid Pettersen from Swire Seabed.

Cluster insight is a column where we ask six questions to catch a glimpse into the daily business-lives of the cluster partners and members.

In a recent Cluster Insight we spoke with Rolf Røssland from NUI who sent the baton over to Arvid Pettersen in Swire Seabed; a company focusing on providing a highly flexible range of integrated services in IMR, subsea construction, subsea engineering and subsea survey to the global oil and gas industry.

  1. What is your role in Swire Seabed

    Appointed as Chief Technology Officer from 1 May 2019 as Swire Seabed has realized the need to be more focused on new technology developments in general and remote control/autonomy specifically.
  2. Your main focus at work right now is?

    To develop a roadmap for future focus and how it can benefit the business.
  3. Biggest challenges for Swire Seabed in the future?

    Our (and the industry’s) main challenge is to fully realize what changes we will face in the near future with respect to development of Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning and remotely control of operations – and how we can convert this into an advantage for the company. On the flip side we will over the next decade (as technology develops) face a potential ethical issue by requiring a smaller work force to cover the same work as we do today. This will – at least partly – be balanced by requiring employees with other skillsets.
  4. Best part of being member in a cluster

    Being a member of this cluster clearly helps us in being aware of technology changes in general, but specifically gives us a better overview of what is happening locally – resources that can be beneficial to our own development.
  5. Your business motto

    When everything seems to be difficult or not going your way..»brett opp ermene » or in English « dust yourself off ».
  6. Which cluster member should we interview next?

    Rolf B. Pedersen, Universitetet i Bergen.

Thank you for the insight Arvid.

Learn more about Swire Seabed.


Contact Information

Kai Stoltz

Business Development Manager

Kai Stoltz