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Hywind Tampen turbines at Wergeland Base before moving offshore. Photo: Roy Bjørge.
Hywind Tampen turbines at Wergeland Base before moving offshore. Photo: Roy Bjørge.

Through the VindVest project, we, along with key stakeholders in the region, will explore the comparative advantages Vestland possess and what is required in terms of skill enhancement and investments to become key players in the offshore wind industry.

The objectives involve establishing clear value chains for offshore wind, mapping the necessary infrastructure, and conducting a thorough analysis of the skill requirements.

Emphasis is placed on defining criteria and developing a detailed action plan to fill any gaps in the value chain.

Do you want to contribute?

VindVest seeks perspectives from the entire value chain. The project team is conducting interviews with key players from both Vestland's supplier industry and the national and international offshore wind sectors.

For those interested in learning more or contributing to the project, please contact our Innovation Manager, Karianne Kojen Andersen.

Project Owners

GCE Ocean Technology.

Project partners
PwC, Øygarden Næringsutvikling, Askøy Kommune.

Working group: Westcon, Fjord Base, CCB, DOF Subsea, Technip FMC, Høgskulen på Vestlandet, Universitetet i Bergen

Reference group: Eviny, Equinor, Mainstream Renewable Power

Period Oct 2023 - Oct 2024
Funding Vestland Fylkeskommune

1) Goals and ambitions for Vestland

2) Establishing clear value chains for offshore wind in Vestland

3) Mapping of infrastructure

4) Mapping of leverandørindustri

5) Mapping of competence needs and requirements, including an action plan for minimising gaps

6) Roadmap with the next steps

Contact Information

Karianne Kojen Andersen

Innovation Manager

Karianne Kojen Andersen