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From a fossil fuelled to a mineral-based energy sector

Magnus Ericsson, RGM Consulting, Adjunct Professor Luleå University of Technology.

Join the UTC Marine Minerals seminar 14 June to learn more about the global minerals market and the key role of minerals to enable a rapid energy transition.

We are very happy to announce Magnus Ericsson, from RMG Consulting and adjunct Professor at Luleå University of Technology, as keynote speaker at our UTC Marine Minerals seminar 14 June.

Ericsson is a globally recognized expert on mineral economics. He has numerous publications and presentations on the global perspectives on the mineral economy, including studies for the International Seabed Authority (ISA).

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EU depending on import

Diversification and security of supply has been increasingly important for Europe over the past years. Europe consumes about 25-30 percent of the global metal production while producing only about 3 percent. Europe aims to make its economy more resilient by diversifying its supply chains. Minerals are also key to establishing new jobs and battery value chains.

Ericsson has recently delivered studies on Russia and Ukraine’s metal- and mineral production and their importance for EU and the world.

We look forward to learn Ericsson’s perspective on global metals market balance, seen in perspective on the new geopolitical situation, and if this will increase the push to extract minerals form the deep sea.

Huge increase in demand

Many independent analyses highlight the need for a huge increase in the primary minerals demand to realise the energy transition. The higher the climate ambition – the higher the need for minerals. The transition to renewable energy sources and batteries, also represents a transition to a mineral-based energy sector.

The ocean is a huge reservoir for energy transition minerals like copper, nickel, manganese, cobalt and zinc. This supply can be important in securing key energy transition minerals at an affordable price.

Join the UTC Marine Minerals seminar to get the latest market insights into the minerals marked and dilemmas facing us in the energy transition.

Contact Information

Jon O. Hellevang

R&D Manager

Jon O. Hellevang

RGM Consulting

A global mineral economics and policy/strategy advisor. Over the years the RMG Consulting, and its predecessor Raw Materials Group, has established itself as a reputable and independent supplier of data and advice on the world’s mining industry. The experience of RMG Consulting dates back more than 30 years.

The clients include governments, international organisations, major mining companies, junior exploration companies and investment banks.

UTC Marine Minerals

The UTC Marine Mineral seminar will be arranged 14 June from 9:30-14:00 as part of the Underwater Technology Conference – UTC 14-16 June.
You need to purchase a separated ticket for the UTC Marine Minerals Seminar, as this is not included in the UTC 2022 Delegate Fee.