Expanding Capability and Market

Pro Analysis has received 3.2 million NOK in funding to develop their measurement technology for oil in water monitoring. GCE Ocean Technology supported the development with pre-project funding earlier this year.
The innovation project was funded with close to 3.2 million NOK from the Research Council of Norway’s PETROMAKS2 programme.
Targeting new Markets
Pro Analysis has been delivering online produced oil in water monitoring for the petroleum industry for about 15 years.
The innovation project will develop a new optical measurement methodology capable of detecting a wider range of pollutants in water being relevant for a wider range of wastewater monitoring and management.
- The goal of the project is to provide the water management industries with a tool ensuring wastewater within an environmentally safe framework, says Technology Manager Stian Magnussen in Pro Analysis.
Help Kick-start the Project
– Innovation requires funding to become a reality. The pre-project funding from GCE Ocean Technology has helped us with preparing and kick-start the innovation project, says Magnussen.
GCE Ocean Technology provides financial and professional support and advice for free to establish externally funded RDI projects for our partners and members.
- So far, we have succeeded in helping cluster companies with securing more than 1.7 Billion NOK in externally funded projects owned and run by our partner- and member companies.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to see how we can contribute, says Jon Oddvar Hellevang, Senior Ocean Technology Innovation in GCE Ocean Technology.
Contact Information

Pro Analysis delivers unique in-line probe Oil in Water monitors for produced water treatment applications.
The Argus measurement systems are installed worldwide and ensures reliable and continuous measurements of Oil in Water.
Pro Analysis has been a member of GCE Ocean Technology since 2008.