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Meet Equinor, OneSubsea and Mainstream Renewable Power at Møteforum in Bergen

   Christina Schieldrop, VP Equinor Renewables in Equinor, Trine Pedersen, Global Sales Manager in OneSubsea     and Anne Knausgård, Supply Chain Manager in Mainstram Renewable Power will present and speed-date at Møteforum.
Christina Schieldrop, VP Equinor Renewables in Equinor, Trine Pedersen, Global Sales Manager in OneSubsea and Anne Knausgård, Supply Chain Manager in Mainstram Renewable Power will present and speed-date at Møteforum.

Engage with these and many other potential customers and partners within subsea, offshore wind and ocean technologies. Do not miss our Møteforum 8 February.

Møteforum is an arena for all cluster members to find each other, and to explore partnering opportunities between businesses, startups, SME’s and R&D institutions in the cluster.

This year’s Møteforum offers our members the opportunity to meet with existing or potential customers like Equinor and major contractors like OneSubsea and Mainstream Renewable Power, as well as other members of GCE Ocean Technology.

– We are excited that this event is back in business. Here the goal is for our members to connect with each other and establish new collaborations. We know several companies that has secured long term collaborations and new customers as a result of this event previous years, says Innovation manager in GCE Ocean Technology Karianne Kojen Andersen. Of course, we hope the same will happen this year, adds Karianne.

Speed-dating with potential clients

Through eight one-on-one meetings our members and partners have the unique opportunity to speed date potential customers and partners all in one place.

Before the speed dating we will hear short presentations from Christina Schieldrop, VP Equinor Renewables, Trine Pedersen, Global Sales Manager in OneSubsea and Anne Karin Knausgård, Supply Chain Manager in Mainstream Renewable Power.

You will be able to prioritise up to eight meetings with other companies or entities, lasting for about ten minutes each. Please note that companies that wants to prioritise meetings has to register before 26 January.

Previous events has proven successful with great feedback from participants.

This is the most efficient time spent in a long time!, participant

The main idea with Møtforum is to give our member companies an opportunity to meet prospective customers like Equinor and other major subsea contractors. However, our experience has shown that the event also creates many other fruitful partnerships and technology collaborations.

Secure your spot today - prioritise meetings with potential buyers and clients!

Contact Information

Karianne Kojen Andersen

Innovation Manager

Karianne Kojen Andersen


Møteforum is an annual event consisting of short meetings between member companies.

This event gives our partner and members the opportunity to present products and services they sell or wish to buy, and discuss collaborative project ideas with each other.