7 consortia apply for Norway´s first offshore wind tender

The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has received 7 applications for the pre-qualification on the Sørlige Nordsjø II area in the Southern North Sea.
– Finally, we are ready for the next important stage for the offshore wind industry in Norway, says Kai Stoltz in GCE Ocean Technology.
To be qualified, the consortiums must document their technical competence, financial strength and meet the requirements to health, safety and environment.
Qualified consortia will have the possibility to bid in the auction planned for February 2024.
– This is an important milestone towards our governmental ambitions of 30GW awarded offshore wind in 2040, and will give a positive boost for our supply chain needed to meet our ambitious targets, adds Stoltz.
The following 7 consortia have applied for Sørlige Nordsjø II:
- Aker Offshore Wind, BP and Statkraft
- Equinor and RWE
- Mingyang Smart Energy
- Norseman Wind
- Parkwind and Ingka (Ikea)
- Shell, Lyse and Eviny
- Hydroelectric Corporation
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