Call for Student Abstracts

The Underwater Technology Conference (UTC), welcome student abstracts for projects at Master or PhD level (including 2020 graduates) in the field of subsea technology.
The student presentations will be included in the technical programme at the conference on June 17 2021.
Featured student benefits:
- inclusion in the conference program
- complimentary conference fee
- a chance to present your work to the decision makers in the subsea industry
To enable as many students as possible to propose an abstract, we will accept contributions until 16 May, 2021.
Read more and submit your abstract
Proud Enabler for a Low Carbon Future
For decades, the subsea industry has been an exemplar in technical innovation, stretching the boundaries and depths of the possible in the underwater production system.
In today’s rapidly decarbonising world, we see that the subsea industry is now also ideally positioned to proudly enable a low-carbon future, by sustainably delivering society’s ongoing oil and gas needs as well as supporting the expansion of offshore renewables and clean technology in the ocean space.
The Underwater Technology Conference (UTC) has a well-known history of presenting highly competent speakers on current and important topics for the subsea industry. This years theme is "UTC - Proud enabler for a low carbon future".
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