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Norwegian Hydrogen Strategy Released

The Norwegian governments hydrogen strategy was released 3 June at the digital Norwegian Hydrogen Conference.

Norway has a major hydro electric energy production and huge natural gas reserves. This enables our country to serve an increasingly international market with clean (green or blue) hydrogen.

As a maritime nation, Norway has the option to take a leading role regarding the use of hydrogen as energy carrier in maritime sector.

Ambitious Emission Reductions

The Norwegian government aims to reduce national CO2 emissions by 50-55% by 2030 (compared to 1990). Fishing vessels and domestic maritime transportation stands for 8,6% of the national emissions.

The oil and gas activity on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) stands for 28% of national CO2 emissions. To define a vessel as a zero-emission vessel, it needs to have minimum 95% reduced emissions compared to conventional fossil fuels.

Read the Norwegian Governments hydrogen strategy.

Maritime Hydrogen

The Norwegian Government regards high tech solutions for autonomous ships and green shipping as a competitive advantage for the Norwegian industry. Hydrogen, ammonia, LNG and biodiesel and biogas are addressed as upcoming zero or low emission fuels for the maritime sector.

Moreover, the government sees a need to map all Norwegian routes for passenger and RoPax ferries to find out what kind of zero emission technologies will be suitable.

Infrastructure must be established accordingly where the need for hydrogen emerges along the coast. In addition to hydrogen produced by electrolysis from green electric energy, there is an ambition to supply the European market with steam reformed natural gas including CCS.

Who will be the Front Runner

Massive funding and public procurement of hydrogen vessels and infrastructure is needed to make Norway a leading maritime hydrogen nation. Portugal recently launched their hydrogen strategy, planning to spend 7 billion Euro to reach their goals.

The Government of Japan announced their Roadmap to Zero Emission from International Shipping in March. A very ambitious and targeted strategic plan which involves hydrogen as part of the solution.

Germany is about to release their national hydrogen strategy and Danish players are already heavily involved in huge green maritime hydrogen projects.

Norwegian industry players are ready to deliver hydrogen solutions when procurement demands materialise. The Norwegian government and public sector inhabits the key procurement and incentive roles to get rolling.

Deep Purple and other Projects

GCE Ocean technology is already involved in TechnipFMC’s Deep Purple project. The project develops solutions for subsea storage of hydrogen from offshore wind and subsea storage of hydrogen for port facilities.

The Deep purple concept can be part of decarbonising the NCS and can also offer open sea hydrogen bunkering for ships.

Our collaborative partner Ocean Hyway Cluster (OHC) has already mapped all passenger vessel and RoPax ferry routes in Norway and has made a detailed report about routes suitable for hydrogen operation.

OHC has also published reports on hydrogen infrastructure and risk and safety. Our Ocean Technology Innovator Trond Strømgren is participant in different international hydrogen expert panels as IEA-HIA Task 39: Hydrogen in Maritime Transport, Maranda Advisory Board and others.

Meet Thought Leaders on Hydrogen

Worldwide we face common challenges to reduce emissions and produce more renewable energy. These are topics being addressed at the the 5th Conference on Maritime Hydrogen and Marine Conference taking place 14-15 October 2020.

This year the conference is digital and easily accessible for participants from the whole world.

The program offers world leading thought leaders and a variety of workshops covering a wide range of topics.

Early bird tickets are available before 1 July. See you at the conference!

Contact Information

Thea Båtevik

Project Manager Renewables

Thea Båtevik

Maritime Energy and Marine Energy

The 5th International Conference on Maritime Hydrogen and Marine Energy will take place 14-15 October 2020 as a digital event.

The conference brings together world-leading players in the fields of maritime hydrogen technology and marine renewable energy.

Read more and register