New Category at UTC 2019

Our seas and oceans are vast and so are the possibilities. To be part of a greener future, through the use of leading-edge subsea technologies, submit an abstract to present at UTC Bergen 2019.
Written by Elaine Maslin
Offshore wind is building momentum in Norway, where plans by Equinor could see floating wind farms help to power oil and gas facilities.
But this is just the tip of the ice-berg. Fixed bottom offshore wind farm construction is already surpassing expectations and seeing countries globally setting new ambitious offshore power generation targets. Floating wind could tap yet more offshore renewable resource.
To do so, it needs expertise - and the subsea industry has it in abundance, from dynamic subsea power cables and connections to deep water moorings and inspection, maintenance and repair strategies.
UTC – Pushing the Boundaries for Offshore Renewables
The subsea industry has already pioneered the use of subsea underwater vehicles and now, in tandem, it and the offshore renewables industry are moving into the marine autonomous systems space, testing remote robotics capabilities for inspection and future maintenance operations.
These are fields in which the Underwater Technology Conference (UTC) has excelled since its beginnings in 1980. Since then, it’s focus has been squarely on the potential pushing the boundaries of subsea technology for the oil and gas industry. Now, it’s also looking to do the same for offshore renewables and other green agenda industries.
This year’s conference, being held from June 11-13, in Bergen, Norway, would like to hear from those who would be able to present on topics which look at the use of subsea technology in offshore renewable energy and the broader Blue Economy.
UTC is also keen to hear from other emerging so-called Blue Economy industries, including tidal energy development, carbon capture and storage, power from shore and energy storage, as well as those offering low carbon footprint solutions, environmental surveillance and more.
Submit Your Abstract
Read more at or click here to submit your abstract - deadline 15 December 2018:
Contact Information

The Underwater Technology Conference (UTC) has a well-known history of presenting highly competent speakers on current and important topics for the subsea industry.
The UTC is hosted by Underwater Technology Foundation (UTF) and GCE Subsea.
Go to UTC to read more.