Nor-Shipping Hydrogen Blue Talks - Fuelling the future
02. June 2021, 11:00 - 16:00
Digital and On-site
Event registration is closed.

The Hydrogen Blue Talks – Fuelling the future, is a hybrid one-day event aiming to set the stage for maritime’s energy transition. Hydrogen’s role in decarbonizing shipping, and the business opportunities for ocean industries, will form a natural focus for proceedings.
Nor-Shipping has partnered with Ocean Hyway Cluster, Hydrogenforum, H2 Cluster, NCE Maritime CleanTech, NORWEP, GCE NODE and GCE Ocean Technologies as co-organisers for this event.
Participants will get insight on hydrogen innovation and development, and inspirational input from the leading players and policy makers on hydrogen
The Hydrogen Blue Talks is one of the main events at Nor-Shipping’s Ocean Now. This is a hybrid two-day event, that has been conceived to help the industry continue collaborating, sharing knowledge, showcasing innovation, and building relationships during the coronavirus pandemic.
The Fuelling the Future conference is the headline event for day two, while Ocean Now’s 1 June activities are anchored by ‘The Today Show by Nor-Shipping’ – a live business chat and entertainment show – specially curated content, and coverage and build-up to Nor-Shipping 2022.
Participation and Costs
The event is open for all against a fee and a 50% discount is given to members of GCE Ocean Technology.
GCE Ocean Technology members will get a registration link to achieve a discount code by contacting
If you are not a member of our cluster you are welcome to buy your ticket at Nor-Shipping's event page.
Contact Information