Breakfast Seminar – Hyperbaric Testing Facilities
19. October 2018, 08:30 - 10:30
NUI, Gravdalsveien 245, Bergen
Event registration is closed.

We invite you to a breakfast seminar to discuss the industry's need for hyperbaric testing facilities.
An industry proven method for testing subsea equipment is through utilising hyperbaric pressure chambers, where the equipment will be exposed to a realistic environment and depth.
In Norway, the availability of large and ultra-deep test chambers is very limited, which may lead to additional costs, considering that the equipment may potentially be dispatched to other countries, e.g. UK which has lately invested largely in providing such testing facilities.
At this breakfast seminar, we invite the industry to provide input about the needs in terms of depth, size and functionalities of such a chamber system, as well as to discuss and identify the methods for getting such a facility in place.
08:30 Breakfast and registration
09:00 Introduction and company presentation
09:15 Hyperbaric test facilities – presentation followed by plenary discussion related to current situation and availability, industry needs, local technology development etc.
10:00 Guided tour of NUIs test facilities
10:30 End of seminar
Participation and Costs
The event is open for all and free of charge.
Registration has now ended.
This breakfast seminar is organised in cooperation with:
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